Peržiūros: 5078

April 22, 2017, Vilnius, Lithuania
Kempinski Hotel Cathedral Square

The modern challenges of Implant Dentistry: less invasive, biological,
digital yet still easy and esthetic

• Immediate and delayed implant placement
• soft-tissue friendly integration
• new restorative concept On1
• socket preservation
• guided bone regeneration
• connective tissue graft
• detailed clinical cases with a bio-esthetic approach

“In the time when nothing is permanent except change this one-day course is aimed at helping you to change some ideas you may have on a “complicated and invasive” implant dentistry reserved to specialists”

Summary of the content of the course:

  • Introduction: delivering smiles with less- prep or no- prep veneers for saving dental tissue
  • New paradigm shifts in Implant Dentistry
  • Towards less invasive and more biological treatments
  • Because biologically implants are not teeth
  • Extraction/Immediate implant placement/Provisionalization
  • Benefit/Risk assessment
  • A flapless procedure with bone and soft tissue augmentation
  • From diagnosis to decision making and treatment planning
  • Complete or partial digital flow ?
  • Optimizing soft tissue integration and stability without jeopardizing biology
  • The new On1 restorative concept : one base one time.
  • Understanding biocompatibility and cell adhesion
  • Why this algorithm benefits surgeon and restorative dentist
  • Detailed clinical cases with a bio-esthetic approach
  • Delayed implant placement
  • Socket preservation
  • Guided bone regeneration
  • Connective tissue graft
  • Laboratory techniques
  • Detailed clinical cases

Prof Bernard Touati is a doctor in dental surgery and in dental sciences (DDS-MS). He is a visiting professor at Hadassah Faculty of Dental Medicine in Jerusalem. Dr Touati is the Past President of the European Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. He is also a member of the American Academy of Restorative Dentistry and the American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry. He was the editor-in-chef of «Practical Procedures and Aesthetic Dentistry» (USA) and is currently the board member of the Foundation for Oral Rehabilitations (FOR). Dr Touati is the author of numerous publications and books, the most recent being «Integration of Digital Ceramic Restorations».

PRICE before 20.03: 200€
After 20.03: 269€

For students before 20.03: 130€
After 20.03: 170€

For more information please contact DrClass Baltics:
+372 553 0835 or DrClass.Baltics@gmail.com
The registration is open at DrClassBaltics.eu



Kiti Renginiai

Miofunkcinės terapijos pagrindai | Odontologams | Gruodžio 7 d. (Seminaras skirtas gydytojams odontologams, gydytojams odontologams specialistams) Lektorė kineziterapeutė Vita Mozūraitienė. Data: Gruodžio 7 d. (Šeštadienis) Vieta: Kaunas (patikslinsime) Kaina: 450 eur. SVARBU: Dalyvaujant ir gruodžio 6 d. vyksiančiame kurse „Apatinis smilkininis žandikaulio sąnarys: nuo funkcijos iki disfunkcijos. Testai ir korekcijos būdai skirti gyd. odontologams kasdienėje praktikoje” […]
