Direct Composite Restorations from A to Z with Dr. Rodrigo Castillo

Peržiūros: 2727

March 11-12, 2017
Radisson Blu Hotel Lietuva
Konstitucijos pr. 20, Vilnius, LT-09308

1-ST DAY (9AM – 5PM):

‣System of composites
‣Dental anatomy
‣Use of composites: tints, opaquers, pink stained gingiva
‣Composite-layering technique
‣Composites class III, IV, V
‣Composites and occlusion
‣Night guards
2-ND DAY (10AM– 4PM):

‣ Only 12 participants
‣ Copy the adjacent tooth – «a perfect color match»
‣ Dealing with fractured/broken frontal tooth
‣ Сomplex cases
‣ Color changing technique from C2 to A1

Price for the course:
1st day: lecture – 200 €
2nd day: hands-on – 350 €


Education and main accomplishments

  • Completed his studies in Restorative Implant Dentistry at the University of Toronto
  • Postgraduate program in Esthetic Dentistry at State University of New York at Buffalo
  • A Master’s degree in Implantology from UCLA and in Advanced Bone and Tissue Regeneration from The University of Loma Linda
  • Has obtained a diploma in Periodontics endorsed by the University of Gothenburg
  • Has published a numerous articles in dental journals
  • Runs a private practice in oral rehabilitation in Murcia, Spain


Dentistry has undergone a striking change and our patients are increasingly demanding more conservative, aesthetic and functional treatments staying within the certain time & budget limits.

Nowadays, composite restorations are able to mimic the natural dentition, which makes them a great solution for solving problems related to shape, size, position and color of the affected teeth.

In this course, we will teach the layering technique, which is based on the use of different types of composites, opaquers and tints. That allows us to create restorations able to go unnoticed in the oral environment within a short period of time and at low costs.

Language of the course: English
All the participants will get the certificates
Lunch & coffee-breaks included

For more information please contact
or call +3725530835

Kiti Renginiai

Miofunkcinės terapijos pagrindai | Odontologams | Gruodžio 7 d. (Seminaras skirtas gydytojams odontologams, gydytojams odontologams specialistams) Lektorė kineziterapeutė Vita Mozūraitienė. Data: Gruodžio 7 d. (Šeštadienis) Vieta: Kaunas (patikslinsime) Kaina: 450 eur. SVARBU: Dalyvaujant ir gruodžio 6 d. vyksiančiame kurse „Apatinis smilkininis žandikaulio sąnarys: nuo funkcijos iki disfunkcijos. Testai ir korekcijos būdai skirti gyd. odontologams kasdienėje praktikoje” […]
